linux kernel 1.0 网络模块代码分析

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简介:linux kernel 1.0 网络模块代码分析——目录及Makefile

在linux kernel 1.0的net目录下查看子目录及文件结构:

[root@localhost net]# ls -R


ddi.c inet Makefile socket.c Space.c unix


arp.c datagram.c dev.h eth.h icmp.h ip.c loopback.c packet.c protocol.c raw.c README route.h skbuff.h sock.h tcp.h udp.c utils.c

arp.h dev.c eth.c icmp.c inet.h ip.h Makefile proc.c protocol.h raw.h route.c skbuff.c sock.c tcp.c timer.c udp.h


Makefile proc.c sock.c unix.h



# Note! Dependencies are done automagically by 'make dep', which also

# removes any old dependencies. DON'T put your own dependencies here

# unless it's something special (ie not a .c file).


# Note 2! The CFLAGS definition is now in the main makefile...

# only these two lines should need to be changed to remove inet sockets.

# (and the inet/tcpip.o in net.o)

SUBDIRS := unix inet

SUBOBJS := $(foreach f,$(SUBDIRS),$f/$f.o)

#SUBOBJS的值为 unix/unix.o inet/inet.o


$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<


$(AS) -o $*.o $<


$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -S $<



OBJS = Space.o ddi.o socket.o

all: subdirs net.o

net.o: $(OBJS) network.a

$(LD) -r -o net.o $(OBJS) network.a


network.a: $(SUBOBJS)

rm -f $@

ar rc $@ $(SUBOBJS)

ranlib $@


subdirs: dummy

set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i; done



$(CPP) -M *.c > .depend

set -e; for i in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i dep; done




# include a dependency file if one exists


ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend))

include .depend


"Makefile" 51L, 1023C

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