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TITLE Save an array and dispaly INCLUDE Irvine32.inc .data array DWORD 12 DUP (?) ; define a array for saving Fibonacci numbers step = type array num DWORD ? count DWORD ? prompt byte "The first twelve fibonacci numbers are ",0 prompt1 DWORD " ",0 .code main PROC mov edx,offset prompt call writestring mov ebx,0 ;they are for calculateing the value of array mov edx,1 ; mov ebp,0 ; mov ecx,11 ;for outputing mov eax,00h display: push eax call Fibonacci pop eax call writeint add eax,01h loop display call crlf call waitmsg exit main ENDP Fibonacci proc USES esi eax ebx edx ebp mov esi,esp add esi,24 mov eax,[esi] ;get the value of we have pushed it cmp eax,1 jl L1 add ebp,ebx ;calculate the value of array add ebp,edx ; mov ebx,edx ; mov edx,ebp ; dec eax ;the times of recursion call Fibonacci L1: mov [esi],ebp ;result return address ret loop L1 Fibonacci ENDP END main

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