最好的办法就是把读写两个32位端口的动作封装成子程序,这样以后调用就会便利许多。1,第一个是读程序:[cpp] unsigned long ioread(short int port) { unsigned long valueRet; asm mov dx, port; asm lea bx, valueRet; __emit__( 0x66,0x50, 0x66,0xED, 0x66,0x89,0x07, 0x66,0x58); return valueRet; } 2,第二个是写程序:[cpp] void iowrite(short int port1, unsigned long value) { asm mov dx, port1; asm lea bx, value; __emit__( 0x66,0x50, 0x66,0x8B,0x07, 0x66,0xEF, 0x66,0x58); return; } 注意这两个子程序都用到了_emit这个伪代码,他的具体的用法是这样的:The _emit pseudoinstruction defines one byte at the current location in the current text segment. The_emit pseudoinstruction resembles theDB directive of MASM.也就是说,它相当于masm中的DB,定义一个byte。下面有个例子,来自Microsoft的inline assembler。The following fragment places the bytes 0x4A, 0x43, and 0x4B into the code:[cpp] #define randasm __asm _emit 0x4A __asm _emit 0x43 __asm _emit 0x4B . . . __asm { randasm } 其他的使用注意事项,你可以参考此页中的描述:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1b80826t.aspx好了,如果你把这两个小程序搞好之后,那么访问PCI就很简单了。下面是我写的一段小程序事例,读取bus 0, device 0, function 0上面的所有64个寄存器的内容。[cpp]int main() { void iowrite(short int port1,unsigned long value); unsigned long int ioread(short int port); short int Config_Add=0xcf8; short int Config_Dat=0xcfc; int bus=0x00,dev=0x00,fun=0x00,reg=0x00; unsigned long dat; for(reg=0;reg<0x40;reg++){ iowrite(Config_Add,(0x80000000 |(bus<<16) |(dev<<11) |(fun<<8) |(reg<<2))); dat=ioread(Config_Dat); printf("%8.8lx",dat); printf(" "); if((reg+1)%4==0){printf("n");} } return 0; } unsigned long ioread(short int port) { unsigned long valueRet; asm mov dx, port; asm lea bx, valueRet; __emit__( 0x66,0x50, 0x66,0xED, 0x66,0x89,0x07, 0x66,0x58); return valueRet; } void iowrite(short int port1, unsigned long value) { asm mov dx, port1; asm lea bx, value; __emit__( 0x66,0x50, 0x66,0x8B,0x07, 0x66,0xEF, 0x66,0x58); return; } 运行的结果和下图类似,我是在我的windows环境下运行的,所以数据内容肯定不对,大致的看一下就ok了。